Food Processor Membership Information


  1. Food Processor: Firms with food processing facilities located in California with eligible commodities including processors who handle fruit, vegetables, olives, dairy products, grain/rice products, bakeries, juice/beverage products, edible oils, snack food, seafood, prepared meals, herbs and spices, condiments, confections, sweeteners, and more. 
  2. Affiliate Food Processor: Firms with food processing facilities located in California with annual sales of less than $3 million with eligible commodities including processors who handle fruit, vegetables, olives, dairy products, grain/rice products, bakeries, juice/beverage products, edible oils, snack food, seafood, prepared meals, herbs and spices, condiments, confections, sweeteners, and more. 
  3. Out of State Affiliate Food Processor: Firms with food processing facilities located outside of California with eligible commodities including processors who handle fruit, vegetables, olives, dairy products, grain/rice products, bakeries, juice/beverage products, edible oils, snack food, seafood, prepared meals, herbs and spices, condiments, confections, sweeteners, and more. 


  • Opportunity to participate in CLFP’s Government Affairs Program and influence critical policies impacting your company at the State Legislature and regulatory agencies as well as in Washington D.C.
  • Opportunity to participate in CLFP Capitol Day and Washington D.C. Fly-Ins.
  • Opportunity to participate in CLFP’s various policy committees and meetings, a great opportunity to learn about current regulatory and legislative issues and provide your feedback regarding the direction and emphasis of CLFP government affairs activities and key issues.
  • Networking opportunities with other Food Processor members and Affiliates at Board Meetings throughout the year.
    • Food Processor members receive one member voting seat, and an alternate seat on the Board.
    • Affiliate Food Processors and Out of State Affiliate Food Processors may attend the meeting, but will not receive a seat on the Board. 
  • Copy of and listing within CLFP’s annual Membership & Committee Directory which includes key contact information, commodities packed, brands and labels, industry supplier members and their products and services offered, and more. Updated and distributed annually.
  • Subscription to CLFP’s weekly news-article, FoodFlash, which provides recent articles published in various news publications.
  • Subscription to CLFP’s monthly e-newsletter, CLFP Insider which provides updates on events and issues taking place within the industry. New member companies are announced in the next edition after joining.
  • Discounts on registration rates at our annual trade show, the Food Processing Expo, held each February in Sacramento.
  • Opportunity to participate in CLFP’s Supplier Host Golf Tournament - held annually in October, usually in Stockton, CA. Food Processor members and Supplier Host Council Affiliate members (industry suppliers) enjoy a day of business, networking and fun.
  • Opportunity to participate in CLFP’s educational webinars.
  • Company listing, logo, and link on our website.
  • Discount to CLFP’s Pesticide Program subscription.


Please email Jacqueline Ostrander at and provide the following information:
Name, company, phone, email, company website, company description, food products your company produces, and what Food Processor member type your company falls under.